sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Illegal Alien Caught Smuggling 50 Pounds Of Heroin With Baby In Vehicle
January 25, 2018

RANKIN COUNTY, MS (Fox News) – Two women were arrested after they carried $10 million worth of heroin in a vehicle while an infant was in the backseat, police said.
Arlene Viridiana Moya, 23, and Trisha Lynne Ibarra, 23, were in a white Ford SUV driving down Interstate 20 in Rankin County, Mississippi just after 9 p.m. when they were stopped for a routine traffic violation, police said in a news release Tuesday. Moya is from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and Ibarra is from Laredo, Texas.

“The gas tank [of the car] was removed by members of the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department, and located inside the gas tank was 51 pounds of heroin,” police said.
The heroin was worth $10 million in street value.

“Regular mom or dad, who would even consider transporting drugs with a child with them in the car? But, I’m telling you, these drug cartels are ruthless; they go to whatever means necessary,” Sheriff Bryan Bailey said, according to WAPT. “They use whatever they can to get around us and around getting caught.”"

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