terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Illegal Alien Charged With Felony Hit-And-Run Remains Free On Bond

WILMINGTON, NC (The Wilmington Star-News) Police have arrested a man who injured an Ashley High School student in a Jan. 17 crash.
Jose Heredia-Martinez, 25, is charged with felony hit and run with injury, misdemeanor hit and run with property damage, driving without an operator’s license and failure to reduce speed to avoid a collision. According to a news release from Wilmington Police Department spokeswoman Linda Thompson, Martinez was placed under $5,000 bail at the New Hanover County jail.

The crash happened Jan. 17 off of Masonboro Loop Road, according to the release. Martinez’s vehicle struck one driven by a 16-year-old female Ashley High student. The girl’s car rolled over into a ditch and she sustained “multiple injuries,” the release stated. Rawley wrote in an email that the girl was not transported by EMS, but went to New Hanover Regional Medical Center and was later released."

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