terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"BURGER STING Illegal immigrant caught by paedo vigilantes trying to lure schoolgirl, 12

Al-Imran Ali, 34, who is originally from Pakistan, demanded 'child' turn up to meeting at Manchester tram stop with no underwear on
A CHILD sex predator faces deportation after he was exposed by paedophile hunters for attempting to meet what he thought was a 12-year-old schoolgirl.
Al-Imran Ali was clutching a hamburger from Burger King and had condoms in his possession when he was apprehended by members of the group Silent Justice.

Predator Al-Imran Ali was exposed by paedophile hunters attempting to meet a 12-year-old schoolgirl
A Manchester Crown Court sentencing hearing heard how the 34-year-old spent twelve days swapping messages with what he believed was a child, when in fact he had fallen into a trap set by the online vigilantes.
During the exchanges Ali asked the girl if she had a boyfriend and demanded pictures of herself before they arranged to meet at a designated spot in Salford, Greater Manchester - asking that she arrive wearing no underwear.
Ali, from Cheetham Hill, Manchester was sentenced to ten months jail after pleading guilty to an offence of arranging to meet a child after sexual grooming.
The court heard it is likely he will deported back to his native Pakistan following his release - although his lawyer warned he might might face ''repercussions'' in his home country on his return.

He first arrived in England in 2010 on a temporary student visa but remained after it expired."

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