domingo, 14 de janeiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"African ‘Refugee’ Attacked 73-Year-Old Woman With Machete In Vermont

Appearing in Chittenden Superior Court via video Monday, Abukar Ibrahim, 32, watched as his attorney entered not guilty pleas on Ibrahim’s behalf to charges of attempted first-degree murder, two counts of unlawful mischief and violating conditions of release.

Judge David Fenster ordered Ibrahim to undergo a sanity and competency evaluation and to be held without bail at the Northwest State Correctional Facility. Ibrahim will next appear in court in early February. The court also granted him an interpreter who speaks Maay Maay, a language used mostly in Somalia; however, no interpreter was evident in the courtroom Monday.

Shelburne police responded Friday to calls of a man breaking car windows at the Harbor Place motel. Police said they found the Meals on Wheels volunteer with severe leg wounds and Ibrahim barricaded in a room."

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