domingo, 11 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"France: Migrants at war - bloody battles among Afghans and Eritreans.

A 17-year-old youth lies in a coma in the intensive care unit of a Calais hospital unaware that he will never walk again.
It is only when he wakes that this Eritrean Christian will learn the tragic reality: his body is permanently paralysed from under his chin to the tip of his toes thanks to a 9mm bullet fired into his neck by an Afghan people smuggler.
The pistol shot shattered his spinal cord and sent Kidane slumping to the ground, sparking a two-hour riot between migrants of different races, waiting in the French port 21 miles across the Channel to slip illegally onto lorries and trains to Britain.
At the height of the riot ten days ago, nearly 200 Eritreans marched through Calais carrying shovels, sticks and tree branches to launch a revenge attack against Afghans, whom they blamed for Kidane's shooting.
He was in Calais, sleeping in the woods and surviving on charity hand-outs, when he was targeted out of the blue.

(17-year-old(?) Eritrean migrant Kidane was shot in the spine by an Afghan people smuggler waiting to cross the channel at Calais)

At the height of the riot ten days ago, nearly 200 Eritreans marched through Calais carrying shovels, sticks and tree branches to launch a revenge attack against Afghans, whom they blamed for Kidane's shooting."

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