sábado, 3 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Italian Teen Girl Killed and Chopped Into Pieces, Nigerian Migrant Arrested

A 29-year-old Nigerian migrant drug dealer has been arrested by police in the Italian commune of Pollenza after being accused of killing an 18-year-old girl and chopping her into pieces.

The Nigerian, identified as 29-year-old Innocent Oseghale, was arrested earlier this week by Italian Carabinieri after the body of 18-year-old Pamela Mastropietro was found dismembered and dumped on a street with parts of her body stuffed in suitcases, Il Giornale reports.

Nigerian migrant gangs are collaborating with the Sicilian Mafia in the organisation of prostitution rackets and the heroin trade, according to Italian police sources.

The murder is just the latest in a series of murders by asylum seekers and illegal migrants following the 2015 migrant crisis. One of the most notorious cases occurred in Germany in 2016, when student Maria Ladenburger was raped and killed by “child” asylum seeker Hussein Khavari, who later admitted to being an adult."

Notas pessoais:

Mais uma mulher Europeia ceifada no altar do multiculturalismo.

De quem é a culpa?
A) De Júpiter.
B) Da Casa Pound.
C) Das hordas kalergianas, mas sobretudo dos responsáveis pela sua vinda - os políticos democratas.

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