terça-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Netherlands turning into a narco state, says police union

Dutch detectives are struggling under a massive workload and as a result can only get to a fraction of their tasks, police union NPB says in a new report that will be sent to the Tweede Kamer on Tuesday. The Netherlands is turning into a "narco state" where drug trafficking thrives and most criminal groups are left undisturbed, the union warns in the report that NOS has in its position.

"In the last 25 years I have seen small dealers grow into large entrepreneurs with good contacts in politics and into so-called respected investors", the report titled 'Noodkreet recherche!' quotes one detective. The NPB spoke to almost 400 detectives over the past year for this report.

According to the detectives, they only get to about one in five cases due to a lack of capacity. Only around one in three requests for, for example, surveillance teams or digital experts can be granted. They are mostly focused on violent crimes like assassinations and robberies. Other investigations are left unnecessarily long or eventually dropped. Forensic investigations are also under extreme pressure. And in the meantime, criminals are turning into rich entrepreneurs with interests in hospitality and the housing market.
Sex crime detectives in particular are struggling under the workload. Over the past years their tasks have grown significantly in the fields of human trafficking, child pornography and revenge porn."

Notas pessoais:

O eterno triângulo maçônico de democracia+multiculturalismo+cartéis de droga.

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