domingo, 4 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Previously Deported Mexican Rapists Re-Arrested In Texas
February 3, 2018

DEL RIO, TX (KSAT) – U.S. Border Patrol agents from the Comstock and Eagle Pass stations arrested two convicted sex offenders with extensive criminal histories who had previously been removed from the U.S., officials said.
On Sunday, an agent assigned to the Comstock Station apprehended Hector Vargas-Pineda, 41, who was in the United States illegally.

During processing, agents discovered that Vargas-Pineda was convicted of aggravated sexual assault in Denton County in 1997, and was sentenced to five years in prison.
He was deported to Mexico in 2002.
Two days later, agents assigned to the Eagle Pass Station apprehended Santos Sanchez-Diaz, 41, who also was illegally present in the U.S., officials said.
During processing, record checks revealed that Sanchez-Diaz was convicted of criminal sexual conduct in Minnesota in 1999. He served a portion of his four-year prison sentence before being returned to Mexico in 2001."

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