domingo, 11 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Man Who Shot Good Citizen To Death Is DACA Recipient
February 10, 2018

HARRIS COUNTY, TX (True Pundit) – The man wanted for murdering a father who came to the aid of a shooting victim is a “Dreamer” with violent felons for a father and brother.
Judas Deluna, 21, is on the run, and accused of killing a father and husband as he just tried to help.

Investigators believe Deluna got into a fight with a man in the parking lot and retrieved a gun from his vehicle. He then returned to shoot him. Rupani, whose father owns the store, was inside. He came to the shooting victim’s aid and was shot, too. Rupani had two young children and a wife.
After three weeks on the run, Eyewitness News has learned Deluna is in the United States under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. He is undocumented, a so-called Dreamer."

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