domingo, 25 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Rapes in London soar by 20% amid warning over possible rise in sex attacks in the capital

Police recorded 7,613 rapes in the 12 months to the end of January compared with 6,392 for the previous year.

Rises in recorded rapes have in the past been attributed to increased confidence among victims to report crimes, rather than a growth in the number of attacks.

But London’s Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Sophie Linden, has warned that the latest figures could point to an “increase in actual sexual violence and rape offending”. Met Deputy Commissioner Sir Craig Mackey also said that “there is something going on with sexual offending in London” and that a rise in the number of attacks was one possible explanation.
Asked at a London Assembly hearing if he had any idea what was behind the rise, Sir Craig said: “No, is the honest answer. It’s not as simple as saying this is increased confidence. Of course, that plays a part but there is something going on with sexual offending in London that we don’t fully understand, the causes of it. We see the end of it, [but] we don’t understand the causes.”
(we don’t understand the causes)

Ms Linden agreed that the rise could not only be explained by a greater  willingness to report crimes.
The figures, from the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, also show an eight per cent increase in other sexual offences in the past year, bringing the total number of reported rapes and sexual assaults in London to almost 20,000. Campaigners have suggested the real figure could be “significantly higher” once unreported attacks are taken into account.

The statistics matter but they don’t begin to tell you of the trauma, devastation and the psychological pain that rape and sexual assault victims experience. Without help some women end up self-harming and feel like ending it all. Some women do die.”"

Notas pessoais:

De quem é a culpa?
A) Dos Saxões.
B) Dos Celtas.
C) Das hordas kalergianas, mas sobretudo dos responsáveis pela sua vinda - os políticos democratas.

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