terça-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Illegal Alien Kidnapped 16-Year-Old Girl, Kept Her As Sex Slave
February 26, 2018

SALUDA COUNTY, SC (Breitbart) – A teen girl who is in the U.S. illegally and disappeared from Kentucky in December was discovered in South Carolina being held as a sex slave by another illegal immigrant, police say.

Police in Saluda County, South Carolina, discovered the girl confined in the bedroom of 24-year-old Florencio Gomez Saiche after a tipster told authorities that the 16-year-old missing teen was being held there, WIS Channel 10 reported.

Investigators said that the kidnapped girl had been able to contact family members through social media apps when her kidnapper was not looking or was out of the home.
Police say that they have suspicions that the teen never tried to contact police about her whereabouts because she is also an illegal alien.
When police confronted Saiche about the missing girl, he denied knowing her. But a search of his mobile home proved the lie to the claim.

Remember that could be your daughter."

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