terça-feira, 20 de março de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Somali muslim ‘Refugee’ Attacked Woman In Restroom, Tried To Rape Her
March 18, 2018

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (KMSP) – A 32-year-old Bloomington man is facing multiple charges after he reportedly hid in a women’s bathroom at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, then crawled into a stall in an attempt to sexually assault a woman.
Asad Abu Mohamed of Bloomington is charged with third degree criminal sexual conduct, making terroristic threats and fourth degree assault of a school official.

According to the criminal complaint, when Minneapolis police responded to MCTC, they found people comforting a woman, while MCTC security officers were detaining a handcuffed Mohamed.
After speaking with the woman, police learned she had gone into the women’s restroom, which had two stalls. She attempted to go into the larger handicap-accessible stall, but found it was locked, so she went into the smaller stall. While in the stall with her pants down, Mohamed crawled into her stall from the handicap-accessible stall.

The woman immediately began kicking and screaming at Mohamed. She told police, he covered her mouth and told her he would kill her. The woman continued screaming and struggling with Mohammed. In the struggle, he ripped out her earring and pulled her hair. The woman told police she was convinced he was going to rape her.

Bystanders nearby heard her screams and came to help. They found Mohamed choking the woman with one hand and smoking a glass pipe with his other hand. The woman was screaming and hitting Mohamed while her pants and underwear were down around her knees."
"Os valores humanistas são por natureza os valores do Islão."
-marcelo rebelo de sousa

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