quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"African ‘Migrant’ Drugged, Raped 74-Year-Old Wheelchair-Bound Woman
March 22, 2018

CUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA (PennLive) – Fode Doukoure spent most of his time staring at the floor of a Cumberland County courtroom Monday before he pleaded guilty to drugging and molesting a 74-year-old West Shore woman.

And though his plea agreement will trigger the 23-year-old West African native’s prompt release from county prison, it seems unlikely he’ll be staying in the U.S for long.
This was a bizarre case which was resolved moments before a jury was to be selected for Doukoure’s trial on a lengthy list of charges.
Chief Deputy District Attorney Charles Volkert Jr. said Doukoure was accused of molesting the woman not once, but twice, while living at her home."

The judge stressed the convictions place Doukoure, who is in the U.S. on a green card, at risk of being deported to his home country of Ghana by federal immigration authorities."

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