sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“The Jews as such, amongst whom are included the foremost bosses of international capital, the patrons of high finance and the entire liberal-capitalist system, simultaneously with Marxist communism, think that the messiah should be the Golem, a super robot, an Electronic Brain, a Databank of Universal Enumeration and transfer of information codes of consumption, with capital and money power, without any feeling, purely rational, fed by the electronic energy, the ‘electron’ which that Golem-robot will come to control and direct, placed completely at his service, like an atomic solar energy for the final glory and feeding of the Demiurge.
Yet it is understood that the struggle must be well hidden and disguised since the Aryan traitors, Masonic Lodges and Christian churches of every sort will have to bow to the owners of Capital and the real power, the bosses of sinister Kabbalah. The final decision of the masters could already have been made in favour of the Electronic Messiah, the Super-Robot-Golem.”
-Miguel Serrano

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