terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"But the decay of the Aryan family, the inevitable outcome of megalopolitan existence, is spreading, and it is devouring the "race" of nations. The meaning of man and wife, the will to perpetuity, is being lost. People live for themselves alone, not for future generations. The nation as society, once the organic web of families, threatens to dissolve, from the city outwards, into a sum of private atoms, of which each is intent on extracting from his own and other lives the maximum of amusement - panem et circenses. The women's emancipation of Ibsen's time wanted, not freedom from the husband, but freedom from the child, from the burden of children, just as men's emancipation in the same period signified freedom from the duties towards family, nation, and state. The whole of liberal problem-literature revolves about this suicide of the Aryan race. It has been the same in all other Civilizations."
-Oswald Spengler

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