quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"One day I discovered that my seventeen-year-old was a Nazi. Being myself a member of the conservative Deutschnationale Volkspartei, I promptly forbade my son to associate with these revolutionaries. The boy, however, paid no attention to this prohibition, and even had the nerve - or the courage - to come home in his Nazi uniform. Thereupon I gave him such a beating that my wife thought I would kill him. The boy, however, reassured his mother with the words, ‘Even if father kills me, I shall remain true to Hitler.’ That was a crucial hour for me. For a long time I pondered how it was possible that my only son would be willing to let himself be killed for an idea. It struck me that there must be something about that idea, other than what I heard about it. In all secrecy I bought myself a copy of Mein Kampf. Then I went to some National Socialist meetings, and I began to see the light."
-Unknown German (from the book: The Nazi Movement by T. Abel)

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