sábado, 19 de maio de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Rochdale, Rotherham and now GLASGOW the cancer of ‘grooming gangs’ is everywhere!
When will innocent girls stop suffering?

Most of us would consider it common knowledge to know a little about the horrific grooming scandals that have been taking place across the United Kingdom. People are losing faith in our authorities and the institutions of law. To find out that a systematic cover-up was taking place shocked and horrified us all.

Well over 8 towns/cities had been affected by ethnic minority grooming gangs, but no one wants to talk about the Rotherham style grooming taking place in Glasgow.

Sarah Champion, the founder of the Dare2Care child abuse campaign, stated that:
“From my experience and talking to people from all over Britain, this crime is going on in every town and every city. The numbers of both suspects and victims is not a surprise to me. What I’m surprised about, however, is that you haven’t had many prosecutions based on that. If they have identified these 27 people, but nothing came of it, why did they get it so wrong? It’s unacceptable.”
With children as young as fourteen targeted by these predatory groups, citizens feel as though their needs and safety are being ignored. It’s no surprise as the Scottish government refuses to acknowledge the problem exists.
A concerned relative of one of these victims has been quoted as saying:
“This really is just our worst nightmare. It’s this Rochdale and Rotherham-type stuff but it’s happening here in Glasgow in a big way. Nobody seems to be doing anything to stop it.”

This is by no means a new issue in the city of Glasgow. In 2015, a report on Rotherham-style grooming gangs outlined severe failings in the system to deal with these criminals, as well as its inadequacy at helping and protecting the victims and those vulnerable, with the abuse of children by these grooming gangs being described as a ‘day to day practice’."

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