domingo, 27 de maio de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Minnesota: Somali “Refugees” Stealing Hundreds of Millions in Welfare Swindle. Money is going to islamic terrorists.

Somali invaders in Minnesota—given “refugee status” by liberals and the US occupied Government(ZOG)—are stealing hundreds of millions of dollars in welfare swindles and shipping the cash by commercial aircraft back to Somalia in suitcases to regions controlled by the Islamist al Shabaab organization, an investigation by KMSP-TV in that state has revealed.

According to the report, suitcases filled with cash have “become a common carry-on” at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP), carried by Somalis flying out of the country.
US treasury law states that as long it is declared, a passenger can take $1 million in cash with them onto a commercial aircraft headed out of the country.
The report said that these “scenarios now happen almost weekly at MSP. The money is usually headed to the Middle East, Dubai and points beyond. Sources said last year alone, more than $100 million in cash left MSP in carry-on luggage.”

According to Kerns, the money is couriered using the “hawala” system, which follows Islamic traditions.
“Kerns discovered some of the money was being funneled to a Hawala in the region of Somalia that is controlled by the al Shabaab terrorist group,” the report continued.
“I talked to a couple of sources who had lived in that region and I said, ‘If money is going to this Hawala do you think it is going to al Shabaab?'” said Kerns. “And he said, ‘Oh definitely, that area is controlled by al Shabaab, and they control the Hawala there.’”

As Kerns dug deeper, he found that some of the individuals who were sending out tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of remittance payments happened to be on government assistance in this country.
“We had sources that told us, ‘It’s welfare fraud, it’s all about the daycare,’” said Kerns.

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