terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Germany: 458 “Refugees” Arrested Every Day for Serious Crimes, including 267 Murders

Non-Aryans invaders pretending to be refugees in Germany committed 457 crimes every day in 2017, including at least 267 murders - of which half of the victims were Germans - according to official figures released by the government.
And remember the so-called "official figures" are always cheated, because the reality is far worse.

According to the latest Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung (“Criminality in the Context of immigration”) 2017 report issued by the Bundeskriminalamt (“Federal Criminal Police Office”), 167,268 “non-Germans and immigrants (asylum-seekers)” were arrested during that year for serious crimes.
This works out to 457 arrests per day, every day, for 365 days.
About 40 percent of the arrested fake refugees came from the “main countries of origin of the asylum seekers,” namely Syria (20 percent), Afghanistan (11 percent) and Iraq (8 percent).

These three groups together made up 61 percent of all “asylum seekers” in Germany in 2017.
The proportion of arrested fake refugee criminals from the Maghreb states Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia was 9 percent, while their share of “asylum seekers” was only 2.4 percent of the total.

The rest were made up of other nationalities, mostly Gypsies and other mixed race individuals from the Balkans or southern Russia.

The overwhelming majority (87 percent) of the arrested invaders were male and 66 percent were younger than 30 years old.
There were 5,258 recorded sex offenses committed by the fake refugees in 2017, a marked increase compared to 2016, when there were 3,597 such attacks.

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