segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The (democratic)left rallied to economic liberalism because it was already committed to the idea of ​​progress and societal liberalism, while the (democratic)right rallied to the liberalism of morals because it first adopted economic liberalism. Indeed, it is just as illusory to believe that one can be sustained politically liberal or "societal" without eventually become too economically (as left most believe) or can too be economically liberal in the long term without becoming political or "societal" (as most right-wing people believe). In other words, there is a deep unity of liberalism. Liberalism forms a whole.
A foolish leftists who believe possible to fight capitalism in the name of "progress", answers the stupidity of people who think right can defend both "traditional values" and a market economy that continues to destroy them."
-Alain de Benoist

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