domingo, 10 de junho de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Celts, Nordic-Germanics and Slavs often fight against each other in the far-past for territory and resources - it was like things were done in ancient Europe -, but is also true they also fighted together against the Romans(which we have to see them today as allies), then against the Ottomans, and then against the Khazars.
Also many Slavic states and Slavic nations of today were born with the help of Vikings in the past.
Celts, Nordic-Germanics and Slavs particulary are 'rebels' in a good sense: Freedom spirit burns inside them. They always rejected submission wanted by foreign powers. Also, they have certain common values in their collective psyche: Love and respect for Nature, a sense of idealism and heroic values, both patriarchal and matriarchal systems of organization, rejection of materialism and miscegenation and very strong tribal instints. And very important; a profound hate for lies.

Today, in this 'Lord of the Rings' kind of conflict of civilizations, we must unite - as well with the Romans and Hellenics - against kalergi plan and their jewish-guided hordes."
-Radical Nationalism

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