sábado, 2 de junho de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Another acid attack in London, just hours after the news broke of a shooting & a stabbing. This is what London has become thanks to kalergi plan.

Plaistow ‘acid attack’: Corrosive substance thrown at two teenagers in east London

The number of crimes using acid or other “noxious substances” has more than doubled in London over the last three years, according to official data seen by the Guardian. There have also been notable increases in other parts of England. In the capital, the number of incidents rose from 186 between April 2014 and March 2015 to 397 in the same period in 2016-2017.

Where the native women are being raped EVERYDAY by kalergi's hordes, where people are runned down by islamic terrorists, where islamic bombs exploded, and acid attacks are on the rise; the mais priority of police is to target nationalists of National Action.

This what zog looks like; a fucking nightmare for the native people bringed by the international subversive/terrorist jew.

And the absolute state of godless degeneracy…

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