domingo, 29 de julho de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“Community rests on decision, not on the coincidence of birth! Nobody is born a German, at best, he comes into the world as a member of the Germanic race, as Aryan. He only becomes a German, when he gains consciousness of his blood, when he decides his will for the fate-community of the German nation. The so-called “coincidental Germans”, in their lethargy and irresponsibility, do not have the slightest right to hide themselves behind the shield of the “folk community” and to raise a claim to “security”. The “coincidental German” must be thankful, if the aware German – let us call him the “German by will” - tolerates him, if he allows him to lead a comfortable existence, which is, after all, only made possible by the sacrifice of the warrior-like German. That comfortable life is contemptible to the German by will and not desirable for even a moment. That the coincidental Germans do not infiltrate the Germans by will, is the concern of the state, which is responsible for the preservation of the order created by the warrior revolution. In contrast to the democratic coexistence of people of coincidence and people by will, the warrior revolution has an aristocratic principle. Through the order of value there emerges a very clear election, which is crowned and concluded by the Führer. And this selection – the hardest warrior substance of the nation – is simultaneously the most ruthless champion of the revolutionary idea. It knows no compromises, no half measures, it is anything but “darling”. Its essence consists of truth. That is why the selection gained by the warrior revolution is the true conscience of the nation”
-Kurt Eggers

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