sexta-feira, 20 de julho de 2018

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"The Nature of Virus
The Virus Mutates: The Condition and Aims Remain the Same

The nature of a virus is to infect, multiply, and destroy. It is designed to create disease, which results in neutralization, in death.
The virus' aim is like that of any other creature on this planet: To survive and to reproduce at any costs.
Once found out by the host's immune system, the nature of the virus is to shape-shift - to mutate and thus evade detection so that it may be able to go about its destructive business of manufacturing disease and death.

The Jewish people is a viruses. They infect their host peoples and nations, usurp power, corrupt culture and tradition at first, but then move on to corrupting the flesh and blood of their hosts. They create a dysgenic culture - one of breeding the sickliest and weakest people, while suppressing the reproduction of the healthiest and the strongest. And in the end they push for washing the original blood of the host people out completely by promoting a culture of race-mixing: Mixing the pure blood out of existence so that the original host peoples no longer exist in anything but distant memories and folk tales of the past…

The Jewish virus has been infecting Aryan civilizations, empires, nations, cultures, and peoples for thousands years. Over that time they have mutated time and time again, always manifesting themselves as toxic corrupters of cultures, traditions, and races.

The more recent manifestations of this disease-creating people-virus started with Marxism, which spawned into Bolshevism and Communism. After being discovered by their host race's collective racial immune system, the Jewish virus again mutated, manifesting itself as Capitalism, Social Democracy, and Liberalism. From the Liberal manifestation of the same Jewish virus, we see the mutation continue into Feminism, Progressivism, the 
so-called "Social Justice Warriors", and anti-Fascists known as "Antifa".

All manifestations of the same original Jewish virus. All serving the same purpose: The destruction of the host Aryan race and Aryan civilization as a whole. The same purpose of corrupting Aryan nations, cultures, traditions, and races.

While they may seem like separate entities, and while they may even think themselves separate from one another, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Feminism, and even Capitalism are all just different tentacles of the same Jewish beast, ruled by the same Jewish collective brain. There is no sense in combating one or the other individually. There is no sense in merely exposing the evils of one or the other. What needs to be exposed is the origin of them all: The original disease-creating virus, the Eternal Jewish people."

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