sexta-feira, 20 de julho de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"HIV-positive man spits on nurse telling her to "taste the last kiss of death."

An Alabama man who police say is HIV-positive is accused of spitting on a nurse, telling her to "taste the last kiss of death."

The Tuscaloosa News cites court records that say 28-year-old Montrel Dewaun Minor was charged with felony assault with bodily fluids after spitting on the nurse while being treated at the Northport Medical Center's emergency room last month. Despite the implied threat, HIV is not always transmittable through saliva.

The report doesn't specify why Minor was being treated at the hospital, but the Northport police report says he was "belligerent and combative," necessitating physical restraint to receive treatment.
The nurse told police she tested negative for HIV. She'll be required to retest after six months for conclusive results."

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