terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Arab clans are dominating Berlin: Twenty families rule large parts of Germany's capital

According to police estimates, close to 20 large Arab family clans live in Berlin. They each have up to 500 members. Twelve clans are causing serious problems for the police as they repeatedly commit organised crimes, Berliner Zeitung reports.

One clan was raided last Friday, as 40 financial investigators from the State Criminal Police Office were standing in front doors of various members of the clan.
Twelve addresses of the extended family R. were searched in Berlin, one in Brandenburg. In total, 77 properties were seized on Friday – with a total value of around ten million euros.
The properties were financed, for the most part, with money from criminal activities. Members of the extended family R. have been known to the police for years for criminal acts.

The clans, which consist of Arabs, Turks and Africans operate primarily in the west of the city. Some Arab clans live in Berlin’s Neukölln suburb and have divided certain streets amongst themselves.
The problem is not limited to Berlin. The clans are also active in the Ruhr area, in Lower Saxony and Bremen."

Notas pessoais:

De quem é a culpa?
A) Dos Nazis.
B) De Wotan.
C) Da Ursula Haverbeck.
D) Do plano kalergi e respectivos agentes subversivos/terroristas que o metem em práctica - os políticos democratas.

Continuem a ter fé na democracia!
Estão no bom caminho!

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