quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Austrian Chief of Staff: Mass migration is the greatest threat to our security, border protection is needed

Major General Robert Brieger, Austria’s new Chief of Staff of the Federal Army, calls mass migration the greatest threat to the country’s security, tabloid Wochenblick reports.

“The migration problem has developed in a way that now all member states of the European Union are affected. As long as external border protection is not fully guaranteed, there is a need to act at the national level,” Brieger says in an interview with Austria’s Ö1 Morgenjournal.

According to the Major General, border protection can protect the country from terrorist threats. Brieger has been the Austrian Army’s new Chief of Staff since July and is the successor of General Othmar Commenda."

Notas pessoais:

Fronteiras bem protegidas ajudam sim...mas de pouco valem se os traidores internos não forem corridos/detidos/executados e as nacionalizações 'à lá McDonald's' continuarem…

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