quinta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“Traditional civilisation—Guénon affirms—has metaphysical points of reference. It is characterised by the recognition of an order higher than all that is human and contingent, and by the presence and authority of elites that draw from this transcendent plane the principles and values necessary to found a well-articulated social organisation, to open the paths to higher knowledge, and finally, to give life true meaning. At the opposite pole lies (so-called)modern civilisation, which is defined by desacralisation on a grand scale, by the systematic denial of all that is superior to man as an individual or as a collective group, by materialism, and by the impulse to realisation in the sense of productive activity on a purely secular and temporal plane, an insane activism.”
-Julius Evola 

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