sexta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Zombie-cops, zombie-cops; did you know you, your wives and daughters were and are illegally surveilled in your houses by masons and media owners
who violate your sacred privacy while pig-smiling and scratching their cocks?

Zombie-judges, zombie-judges; did you know they did and are doing the same dishonourable thing to you? Your extent of power and lack of revenge over them makes you less honored than a fucking albino retarded from the third-world Congo!
Yes, yes...and my words may be hard, but do you prefere sweet treason and lies than the absolute radical Truth? 

Castrated by democracy, they stolen all your healthy pride... What proud achieves are left than for your life-legacy? Absolutelly nothing... You can just talk, but there is nothing to see... You just keep repressing the wrong men, and to escape your consciouness you say to yourself; "It is the right thing, this Ultra is a fascist, a racist, and a nazi!"

And by the end of day, after being a 'good goyim' and repeating the narrative of fake-media you return to your house to make your private life with your wife some kind of 
reality-show+home pornography for the pleasure of the illegal surveilence done by the priests of democracy.
And when you look everyday at the mirror, what kind of man do you see? You see the opposite of me!

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