quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Sweden: Four African migrants rape disabled woman vaginally and anally
By Voice of Europe 1 August 2018 

Four Eritreans, who claim to be between 17 and 20 years old, have been charged with gang raping a woman in Bromma, Swedish news outlet Fria Tider reports.

The rape took place on 5-6 May 2018. According to the charges, the four Africans violently forced the disabled woman to have anal and vaginal intercourse.

The men held the woman by her arms and legs, during the violence, causing large bruises on her body. The very painful rape also caused “a crack in the woman’s abdomen area,” the prosecutor writes.

He adds that the woman found herself in a particularly vulnerable situation “partly because of her developmental disorder, partly because she was alone with four offenders in an unfamiliar environment”.

As such, the offence is being characterised as particularly ruthless and cruel. The prosecutor stating that all four will be expelled if convicted."

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