quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"The Vagina is now the Front Hole, in Clownworld

Their reason: trannies don't appreciate the language, cuz they don't 'medically identify' with the term 'vagina'.
'Medical term'....the word 'woman' is a medical term too, in terms of it being a biological term.
So this is for the purpose of a mentally ill person believing their penis hole(?) is a vagina.

These kind of degeneracy it was only possible due to democracy and his principal sponsor: the eternal subversive international jew.
But you don't need to worry; its just your sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons who are/will pay the price because of your COWARDICE and ASS-KISSING of the jew."

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