domingo, 16 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

For years and years you raped our Aryan children, behaving like a cold dishonorable monster with total impunity…
Day-by-day pushing for more acceptance of your sickness pedophile agenda with constant moral relativism supported by democracy...
You cannot measure the amount of divine rage that is inside us, and specially inside me. Half-hell and half-heaven, we are the spiritual balance which is needed by a sacred Aristrocracy, so we can know how demons like you think and behave, in order to achive over you total victory!

The day me and my friends will become free - and I don't care if the cost of that is to destroy all over Europe the system of democracy - , we will hunt all pedophiles; no matter how many, and where they may be...we will bring the divine justice over you, and we will reap the flesh and the bones of all pedophiles with an infinite thirst of blood that the world and the Gods never saw in human history.
The terror you once inflicted on minors, it almost will look like 'humanism'...compared to what we will do over your subhuman bodies, with the spirit of revenge and Celtic sadism…

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