sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Divide to rule", is the motto of masons and zog. Democracy means splitting your nation with useless parties in order to break the strength of a unified folk and their 
national-culture. So you must restore the National Eagle, and make vanish the international vulture…
One Wolf-Soul in each Ukrainian Cossack... Multiply the national-idea, and you will form a mighty Wolfpack!
Poetry, creativity, football, high IQ, martial-arts, eugenics, philosophy, radical Aryan love, Aryan black-metal, 
positive-asceticism and the spirit of tradition and 
national-revenge; these are the ingredients of Radical Nationalism!
Eternal Glory to Perun!
Eternal Glory to Ukrainian National-Socialism!

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