sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

With human masses with low IQ you cannot make your country great, because with colective stupid decisions and actions, the survival of your country it will always be at stake.
So be my Aryan Moon and I will be your Aryan Sun, give yourself only to me, and let me put inside your body my sacred Aryan cum. And with NS Eugenics, we will form an army of Overhumans; united as "out of many, one."

Give me inspiration with the beauty of your Aryan eyes, and do not let your Aryan soul be ugly with the spirit of treason and democratic-lies.
You must reject jews and turning off fake-media like sic, bbc and cnn… And with loyalty and monogamy, I will still love you and turn you on everyday as an SS Man…
-999NS POETRY999

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