quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Multiculturalism is also a tool to devalue Aryan private property in Europe.
The international subversive/terrorist jew uses his kalergi hordes+hard-drugs dealers+human-traffickers(prostitution) to once traditional healthy streets became a mist of sodom+gomorrah+babylon. This economic-financial terrorism makes the house you are paying to the jewish banker - with usury - much less valued than when you bought it. And so the common native citizen in order to protect his family sells the house for a price much more lower than he bought and becomes like that an eternal slave of the jewish banker.
This non-native terrorism to destroy the nuclear native family is supported by democratic-politicians+zog-police+Ultra$ who work for the jew."
-Radical Nationalism

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