segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

English Celts and Saxons daily humiliated in their own land by zog:
For the natives there is no freedom of speech; tyrannical illegitimate laws made by the filthy jew, the eternal 
non-native parasite and leech…

Injustice over native population widespread and no one native General of the Armed Forces seem to care...while Celts' and Saxons' wives, sisters and daughters are raped by non-European hordes living on welfare…

Kosher moviments of the so-called "right", deceive 
stupid-fuckers nationwide, who don't understand they all work for the 'jewtrix', and fake-nationalism, is just another trap's side…

You laughed at liberal Swedes and their "tolerance", but look at you now; are you so much different of them? At least they have a radical genuine nationalist movement like Nordfront.
What you need is more wisdom and radicalism...and less tommy robinsons, ignorance and arrogance…
-999NS POETRY999 

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