quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

The jewish masonic terrorist delivered your sacred Nation in the past to the tyranny of communism, and now the same exact scum claim that is "immoral" in the present your healthy Slavic scepticism.

Now they just want to destroy Poland with other democratic ways, but the same exact goals among them prevails; to rob you, to enslave, to rape you, and in the end to exterminate you. Shapeshifting of your eternal enemy, the international filthy jew... 

Through the fake-media, newspapers and maganizes they own they now want to establish the "moral relativism", so the lower instincts of treachery and adultery can be stimulated in Polish men and Polish women to destroy relationships and thefore subvert your dreams of making Polish family...
Their 'Horse of Troy' is liberal-democracy...so your sword and shield must be Radical Slavic Unity…
-999NS POETRY999

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