terça-feira, 11 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

They shout hysterical at the streets and condescendingly on the fake-media: "Extremist, Extremist..." in order to eyes of the democratic-cattle diabolize you.
But if they are marxists, an ideology which belongs to the "extreme-left", aren't they extremists too?
As you see my Aryan friend, their psychological tricks of brainwashing cannot survive to reason, logic and the sacred Truth…

They also self-proclaim the champions of humanism... But how many films have you seen about holodomor made by hollywood? Not even one...
As you see my Aryan friend, they are nothing but a cult of lies and falsehood! You must trust only in Perun, and be his loyal son…
-999NS POETRY999

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