sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

If me and my friends are not free in Europe and in USA to hunt and kill, your nations will become very sick and very ill. It is not a promise, it is a guarantee…

We are immune to materialism, so we can never be corrupted. We are therefore the most trustful men and women your nation will ever get...
We are 100% a winning bet.

We do not like fame, and we even don't need to have name...
We just want "free-pass" to make your nations cleaner and sane… It is our sacred destiny to be NS Death Squads, in order to punish the traitors and the pedophiles, because inside us, lives the will of the Aryan Gods...

We are the sons of Odin/Wotan, of Cernunnos, of Jupiter, of Zeus and of Perun...

And the crime of dishonor, is for them the greatest sin…
So we must hunt the rats, and make them bleed, suffer and scream…

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