domingo, 9 de setembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

The egualitarian madness of democratic universalism will provoke times of Chaos, because their lies are against logic and reason, so prepare yourself Nordfront, because soon
your time will come to avenge the unforgivable 
All the other parties claim the masonic lie that "we are all the same", but the necessity of existence of different 
democratic-parties contradicts exactly the slogan "we are all the same"; and Viking people will start to thinking outside the box, and realize democracy is nothing but a fucked masonic rigged game…

Chaos will spread from 666 and all Scandinavia will become aware of the jewtrix.
Odin will bring the Noble Order and saying: Fuck the "666"... I prefer the "999", and all Scandinavia, will soon again be mine…
-999NS POETRY999

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