sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Jews talking about how they are using Ukraine's women as sex servants, turning part of the country into a brothel with the help of zog-politicians
A Ukrainian township is home to one of the world’s biggest, and all-male, Jewish pilgrimages.
Hasidic Pilgrims and Ukrainian Sex Workers: Prayer and Pleasure in Uman

It isn’t only Hasidim who travel to Uman for the High Holy Days. Come Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot, prostitutes also pack onto the trains in Kiev, to help local professionals meet demand. 

What happens in Uman stays in Uman
With 25,000 Breslaver Chasidim coming to the Ukrainian town for Rosh Hashanah, the locals brace themselves for less-than-religious behavior — along with the influx of some 200 female sex workers
UMAN, Ukraine (JTA) — Balancing her voluptuous figure on high heels, Alexandra Rostov boards a minibus at Kiev’s Moskovskyi bus station, setting down her zebra-patterned bag as the driver starts the Soviet-era clunker.
Like thousands of Ukrainians, Rostov is heading to Uman, a sleepy city of some 85,000 in central Ukraine, to find work associated with the annual pilgrimage of more than 25,000 Jews to Uman.
The visible Jewish presence in this town also has sparked a good deal of tension between two incongruous groups: Chasidic foreigners and Ukrainian locals.
“Jewish money stays in Jewish hands,” said Yuri Botner, the district director of the nationalist Svoboda Party. “They don’t eat our food; they are no tourists.”
Haim Cheshin, an Israeli businessman who moved here 24 years ago and owns several properties, says that “Local anti-Semites are mounting a hate campaign against Chasidim.”
Over the holiday, some 3,000 of the pilgrims will sleep in a tent city being erected nearby. Once the masses of Jews begin arriving in town, the Chasidic neighborhood will be off limits to all but Jewish pilgrims and neighborhood residents. The restrictions are enforced by police checkpoints.
“The Chasidim bring no income but many problems,” Deputy Mayor Peter Payevsky told JTA. “Many of the people employed by the Chasidim come from outside Uman.”
Few Chasidim stay at the city’s hotels, which are filled by the 500 or so Ukrainian police who are brought here to keep the peace during the holiday. A small contingent of Israeli police officers also is present. 
(Brainwash over Ukrainian females+Taking advantage of social-poverty+Making Ukrainian females addicted to hard-drugs, so they can be totally dependent of their jewish pimps. This is masons/zog modus operandi.)

But nevertheless, Jews are worry about the growing of Radical Nationalism in Ukraine because these kind of Nationalists cannot be bought, because their honor is called loyalty."

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