sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

You read Guillaume Faye and think he is one of us and that he is cool...
You are a stupid lemming who don't understand what's controlled opposition of zog, and they are still playing you like a fucking fool...
Still trapped by the jewtrix you read Jordan Peterson, and his vague words and thoughts, are enough to make you stun...
You also listen to Alex Jones, a drunken clown who behaves like a tv monkey, whose ideas could be sold, it would worth less than sand and stones...
You also listen to Paul Joseph Watson, a fucking faggot who sold out himself, speaking about social problems but not the cause of all them...
"My honor is called loyalty." is the sacred motto of the SS.
Paul Joseph Watson is a man without honor, and you can never trust a man who likes to put a dick in is own ass...
You also trust in Wilders and Tommy Robinson who are professional actors and manipulators, whose scripts are written by the same Asian tribe, creating fake-nationalism with half-truths and political bribe…

They all work for the jew you fucking fool... 
They are the so-called "right" of the 'jewtrix', and each one of them in their particular style, are all a jew's tool…

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