quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Artificial intelligence is the next goal they say...
...while at the same time human intelligence is devalued by the claim of "human equality"...a more unhumanistic and dangerous version of "1984" is here to stay…

Artificial politics, artificial media, artificial love, artificial food, artificial everything...
A massive global zog-prison where prisioners don't see they are in prison, hipnotized by fake-media and pop-music while lady gaga sing…

So-called "human rights" advocators are helping jewish globalists pulling the strings... Preaching all over the World democracy making humans voting in line like stupid penguins…

And the only ones fighting for genuine Humanism, are called by the fake-media "the face of extremism"...
But the term "extremism" is neutral, because you can be extremely wrong or extremely right... And because we know we are not wrong, we choose to fight…
-999NS POETRY999

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