sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

They preached treason was the greatest virtue…
They brainwashed entire Aryan generations to believe that honor was the greatest sin… And under jewish alien occupation and mind-control, they murdered millions of innocents in the gulags, holodomor, Portuguese Ultramar, masonic dungeons and prisons, and in the forest of Katyn…

Slavic and Celtic Noble blood was then spilled under a major jewish conspiracy... While the international hyenas portrayed themselves as eternal fake-victims supported by fabricated data, hoaxes and of course, fake-history!

Never forget the Slavic and Celtic Women, Children and Men who were victims of the system of treachery; under the name of communism and/or liberal-democracy...
Their honor was not in vain, so long you preserve and respect their sacred memory... Never forget, but above all, NEVER FORGIVE! And Aryan Gods will certainly help us...but only if we walk the path of Loyalty…

We will regain national-sovereignty over our Sacred Nations, but only under Radical Aryan Noble brotherhood; so we can fight together like a mighty Wolfpack,
and destroy the non-native jewish cult of lies and falsehood…
-999NSPOETRY 999

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