sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Syrian(?) migrant arrested for raping a three-year-old baby boy at a Greek (fake)refugee camp

Alshahada Thamer was arrested on suspicion of having raped a three-year-old baby boy in Agia Eleni refugee camp in north-west Greece.
The mother said her son was at the sports facility in the refugee camp when he came running home in tears with external injuries. When she took him to the University Hospital of Ioannina, they also confirmed sexual abuse.

There have been concerns raised over the rise of sexual predators in Greek refugee camps.

A 32-year-old woman from Afghanistan who lives with her child inside the Moria camp stated: “Its very bad, Moria is not safe any more….”. She also reports that there children are being raped and kidnaped inside the camp “All women and children live in fear…” she stated.
A 21-year-old migrant states that gangs of adult men who live inside the camp are “buying” children aged 12 and 13-years-old in order to have sex with them. “I heard some of them say: “I bought a young girl last night…”"

Notas pessoais:
  1. O que é que essa escumalha está a fazer na Grécia em primeiro lugar?
  2. Se eles fazem isso entre eles, imaginem o que não farão aos menores Gregos e Gregas…
  3. Se eles fazem isto à descarada sendo (ainda)uma minoria, imaginem o que não farão quando forem um quarto e/ou metade da população na Grécia…

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