terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

Germany: Fines for the native homeless, new homes for non-native parasites, terrorists and rapefugees

The city of Dortmund in North Rhine-Westphalia wants the homeless to pay 20 euros for sleeping in the streets or go to jail.
The office for public order has doubled down and defended its harsh treatment of the less fortunate.

According to broadcaster WDR a total of 464 sanctions against homeless people have already happened and in 265 cases a fine of 20 euros was issued. The other option is going to jail if they are unable to pay.

The chief of the public order office said there were no hunts on the homeless but they needed to act. Research showed other cities in the state simply issuing expulsions from certain areas in such cases.

At the same time Dortmund is housing many refugees in shelters. Other cities in the state have even built houses or entire building complexes for refugees."

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