sábado, 3 de novembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"(liberal)Anarchy and multiculturalism threatens France and within five years the situation could be irreversible – Ex-Minister

Tugdual Denis, editor in chief of French news outlet Valeurs Actuelles, tweeted a picture of an interview transcript where Gerard Collomb, France’s ex-Interior Minister, predicts France’s dislocation due to immigration.
Here’s the translated interview:

“- It’s really worrying. What I read every morning in police reports reflect a very pessimist situation. Relationships between people are very hard, people don’t want to live together…

– What is the responsibility of immigration?

– Huge. That’s why we’ve tried to change the law with Emmanuel Macron.

– Your law only attacks illegal immigration. The legal law allows the entry of 200,000 people in the territory each year.

– It’s true. We’re doing it step by step. But it’s still a problem.

– Do you think we don’t need immigration in France anymore ?

-Yes absolutely

– You were talking of the “vivre-ensemble” earlier (French expression for multiculturalism). What is happening?

– Communities in France are fighting each other more and more and it’s becoming very violent…

-What are you afraid of? A splitting? A secession?

– Yes, I’m thinking of that, that’s what is worrying me.

– How much time before it’s too late?

– I don’t want to scare people but I think soon.

– How much?

– It’s difficult to estimate but I would say that five years from now, the situation could be irreversible. Yes, we have five, six years to avoid the worst. After…”

Gerard Collomb expressed the same feelings during his leaving ceremony, when he predicted a civil war happening in the near future in France.

Notas pessoais:

Secessão e guerra civil a caminho na França igualitária e multicultural? Mas então isso não eram apenas previsões "absurdas de extremistas, radicais e racistas"? 
Eis que até já alguns moderados e democratas, avisam do que está para estourar para breve…

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