sábado, 17 de novembro de 2018

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"11-year-old girl gang raped in Sweden – Perpetrators walk free and laugh in her face

Swedish independent journalist Joakim Lamotte has talked to a mother whose 11-year-old daughter was raped by two men. 

The girl was forced to both anal and oral sex. The young men were arrested, but released shortly after. Several times the daughter has met the boys when she walks to school. They laughed in her face.

The mother has just been informed that the investigation has been closed, and that her daughter will not be redressed.
Her daughter’s life has been destroyed, she says, and the only resort they see is to move to another town. She is strongly critical of how the police have handled the case.

At the same time, the political development in Sweden is worrying to say the least. While children are raped and the police fail to solve the cases, politicians in Stockholm cannot even form a government. The situation is acute and instead of talking to each other, the party leaders act like kindergarteners.

“It is incomprehensible. I thought politicians would work for the people’s best. Now they only work for their own best,” writes Lamotte.
“They do not care that the ones suffering from this political mess are common people. As long as they themselves are not exposed, it is not important to take responsibility for Sweden. “How many girls must be raped in Sweden before politicians act vigorously? “It’s high time to end the political sandbox,” he concludes."

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