sexta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Thought zog-police jailing Europeans for speaking the Truth... While non-native rapists are raping European women and little girls with impunity and posting the acts of rape in the internet with pictures of them raped and nude…

Massive terrorists attacks nationwide, kalergi's hordes using vehicles on roads and drones over the sky, and there is no escape, no matter the side…

40%/50%/60%/70% of your income is taxed by zog, the more democracy the more taxation by the alien jewish occupation; goyim Europeans paying very high for (pseudo)public-service of the lowest quality ever seen… Welcome to democratic society, where people were brainwashed to think NS and Fascism are both a sin…

Your native race and ethnicity is being genocided, and the ones who are still alive, their souls are very ill… Welcome to democratic society, and enjoy the consequences of massive stockholm syndrome and liberal concept of the 
so-called "free-will"...

Once all of you called me "mad"...
But reality and time, gave me the absolute and irrefutable reason... And unless I and the ones like me will be the new Aryan Order; your future will be very painful and sad…

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