quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2018

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

Thirty days in a month, and in terms of rape, you are the victim number thirty...
Everyday a native woman is raped, and almost no one cares because democracy is the system of the liberal, of the zombie, and of the fucking hippie…

Since the ancient times, women were protected by the Native males, and of these, by the most Nobles and braves...
But in Kali Yuga times, it is the merchant and the democratic politician portrayed as the "role model" of Men; and ancient values of masculinity, were then sent to the graves…

So-called "free-will" is a wonderful thing... But without tribal consciousness+wisdom+intelligence+honor, will lead to stupidity and xenophilia...and the price of that, is kalergi's hordes making you a daily target while being subsidized by zog and walking free to sting…

A few more years of the madness of equality and democracy, and your race and ethnicity will cease to be...
Will be nothing more, than a vague memory, of ancient History…

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